![CytoSport Muscle Milk 2240 g Banana Whey Protein Shake Powder CytoSport Muscle Milk 2240 g Banana Whey Protein Shake Powder](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/419-NOTsRWL._SL500_.jpg)
With so many available today, it is good to have a brand you can trust. The CytoSport Muscle Milk 2240 g Banana Whey Protein Shake Powder is certainly that and will be a great buy. For this price, the CytoSport Muscle Milk 2240 g Banana Whey Protein Shake Powder is widely recommended and is always a popular choice for most people.
- Micellar proteins to stimulate muscle synthesis
- Leanlipids promote leaness
- Complete caseins peptides and lactalbumins to trigger growth
- Lactoferrin to increase oxygen delivery
- Growth peptides to boost nitrogen balance
Product Description
Leading scientists assessing the true role of fats in increasing lean muscle growth have shown all fats are not created equal. The type of fat determines whether you use it for muscle energy or store it as body fat. The LeanLipids used in Muscle Milk promote fat loss in three ways:
Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the predigested “fast burning fats,” are more likely burned for muscle energy and heat than stored as fat. Twenty per cent of Muscle Milk lipids are MCTs.
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are also less likely to be stored as fat. Special enzyme engineering makes these lipids even more functional and enhanced mineral retention.
Recent research reveals calories with engineered lipids taken before and during workouts promote leanness. It is thought that these calories are used for workout energy, with less deposited as fat.
So, while Muscle Milk may contain slightly more fat than low-fat, high-carb products, LeanLipids are designed to help you get leaner.
EvoPro—Nature’s Ultimate Protein—Amino Blend
Human milk is composed of unique and highly complex proteins, peptides and amino acids, which promote rapid muscle tissue growth. EvoPro includes these alpha and beta micellar caseins, alpha-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, L-glutamine and more. Nature created this precise mix to stimulate muscle growth to higher levels and EvoPro is the ultimate nitrogen delivery source.
Muscle Milk helps grow muscle faster than gainers, whey or even creatine. This increased muscle growth is possible because Muscle Milk is the first product patterned after nature’s ultimate anabolic food—human mother’s milk. Locked within the composition of human mother’s milk are long-held secrets to muscle growth potential. CytoSport took the next step and actually duplicated these important muscle growth factors into Muscle Milk. Muscle Milk helps you grow muscle like never before.
Benefits of using Muscle Milk
Efficient Energy Production: Lean Lipids are special fats that are easily mobilised for workout energy, enhance your body’s fat metabolism and promote protein synthesis and mineral retention.
Muscle Growth and Repair: EvoPro is a complex ratio of proteins, peptides and amino acids designed to replicate the amazing benefits of mother’s milk for rapid tissue growth and repair.