Best Review for Clevamama 70 x 140cm Support Mattress

Clevamama 70 x 140cm Support MattressBest Review for Clevamama 70 x 140cm Support Mattress

With so many on offer right now, it is great to have a name you can trust. The Clevamama 70 x 140cm Support Mattress is certainly that and will be a superb purchase. For this price, the Clevamama 70 x 140cm Support Mattress is widely respected and is always a popular choice with most people.

Product Description

Clevamamas mattress will ensure your baby has a full and rested nights sleep in ultimate comfort and support. This mattress will give optimum support to the head, neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs of your babys rapidly growing and developing body. The design of the mattress ensures that your babys skeleton is fully supported and the correct position and alignment is maintained at all times. This mattress will also assist with the protection of your babys head from Flat Head Syndrome Plagiocephaly. The combination of design and use of Airflow help provide your baby with a restful nights sleep. Features Optimum support to the head, neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs. Your babys skeleton is fully supported and the correct position and alignment is maintained at all times. Assists with the protection of your babys head from Flat Head Syndrome Plagiocephaly. Airflow - draws away moisture and increases air flow for ultimate snug-ability Ultimate comfort and support. Ensures your baby has a full and rested nights sleep.